Application Form

At Qnology AI is where your financial aspirations meet our investment expertise. Fill in your details, and we'll get in touch to explore a range of investment solutions tailored just for you. Our team specializes in managed accounts, hedge funds, and strategies to protect your assets. We're here to connect you with the right options to meet your investment goals.

Information on the financial situation:

Not every question needs to be answered here. However, it makes sense to do just that,because the more information the algorithm has, the more precisely it can decide whichinvestments and services you are eligible for.


Personal Information

More Information

What is your current employment status?

What is your total annual income (before tax)?

What are your main sources of income?

Please estimate the total value of your assets (including real estate, investmentsand cash)

Do you currently have any investment products?

What are your primary investment objectives?

How would you describe your risk tolerance?

Over what period do you plan to hold your investments?

Would you like to invest exclusively in funds that are within the EU?

Thank you! We will get in touch with you soon.
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